Thursday, June 7, 2018

Character Spot - Blaze Nari, Guntecht

Naturally, being the first one the player encounters, my first feature should revolve around Blaze. So, it's time to discuss the aloof but somewhat odd main girl.

Blaze is, by all accounts, a bit of a recluse - she doesn't like people she doesn't know (the fact that she approached you at all is a mystery), doesn't mince words, and would rather sleep to the warmth of a lit computer screen than a lit fireplace. A little selfish- okay a lot selfish, and honestly pretty downright rude at times when you get to know her, but she takes pride in being a real friend when it counts: she's not one to turn down a friend in need, and always follows through with plans.

Of course, only her friends would know any of that.

On the surface she looks and acts totally harmless, because while she may not like strangers and social interaction, she dislikes trouble even more. She'll play along with the most chatty of cathys for as long as it takes, much to her dismay, simply because she doesn't want to come off as rude to the public eye.

In combat is where this conniving girl's colors can well and truly shine. Blaze's two favorite things to do in any game are dealing damage, and throwing a wrench in her opponent's plans, so she built her stats - and a completely custom DnD class, [Guntecht] - to reflect this. High ATK, SPD, and EVA all serve to quickly stack debuffs on enemies and buffs on herself to guarantee eventual victory, and a focus on Firearm-ATK allows her to bring all her favorite guns and gadgets into the fray.

Unfortunately, her desire for a plethora of trickster-esque abilities left her class with little in the way of actual offensive capability. [Guntecht] is more of a support class due to how few attacks it actually supplies the user, however it can be an incredibly powerful tool for multiclassing should one desire a more DPS-centric role. The class' many self-buffs and traps can easily turn early level jabs from other classes into devastating knock-out blows.

[Showoff Star]'s SPD boosting stack in particular is a must have for cheap antics against single targets: use it to spam reset- and stop-inducing Acts to completely stun-lock an enemy, or combine it with [Mejiverse] to outpace incoming damage with lifesteal.

Whatever you choose to do, Blaze is designed to get on the offensive and stay there, but is flexible enough - and fast enough - to fill several "on demand" roles. Just as long as that role isn't related to tanking; a shaky evasive tank at best, the girl is truly no good at taking a hit, and can't take too many with her abysmal HP to boot.

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